
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Friday, October 1, 2010


OK so I've thought this over and figure I should just get it off of my chest before I can fully devote myself to work today (right like that's gonna happen on a Friday) but anyway here it goes.  So I was reading an article about the Ole Miss mascot decision and as an alum of this prestigious school I have to say that other than the black bear I really don't like the other two choices. But I'll get my say when they send out the poll for alum, students, faculty/staff and season ticket holders to vote.  You see cause that's how it's done if  you put money towards the school or some way benefit then you have a say in the decisions that are being made. And this is the way it should be. What really just bugs the crap out of me is when people go onto websites and post asinine comments about a subject they don't really care about. So you say you are a Rebel fan but b/c they did away with Col. Reb you are going to stop being a fan??? That's just ludicrous!! I mean who chooses a school to root for based on their mascot!  There is so much more to being an Ole Miss Rebel than the Col Reb gave us credit for. I will admit that when they finally retired Col Reb in my senior year I was deeply saddened, but as I've gotten older and branched out into the world I've realized that this is not such a bad thing.  The school's reputation needed to be changed, it's got such a bad HISTORY that no one really pays attention to the PRESENT.  There are amazing things happening on campus and by taking the step of changing the mascot the university is helping to bring not only the image of Ole Miss into the 21st Century but also the image of Mississippi as a whole.  Cause let's be honest while there are like 7 other universities (1 being another SEC school) the University of Mississippi gets the most press b/c it is the flagship school of the state.  Maybe by bringing the image of the University into the 21st Century we could prove to the rest of the country what everyone in Mississippi already knows....we aren't so bad down here in the South and we sure as hell aren't backwards.
From my point of view this was a change that needed to happen and I'm glad it is happening, we'll always be the Rebels, you can't change that, but now we'll just have a different mascot.  I'm rooting for the Black Bear cause I think having a ferocious black bear in a cage outside the visiting team's tunnel would be intimidating (just look at Mike the Tiger at LSU).  We gotta find someway to intimidate our opponents!! ;)

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