
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


OK so I've lived in a major city before, Dallas/Fort Worth Texas. And because I lived in said city I had to travel every day in traffic and when I say traffic I mean traffic. It often took me an hour to get to work and if there was a wreck well forget about it.  Not only did I live in a major city but I've driven in major cities.  Cities such as Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. so I know about traffic.  Living in Jackson, Mississippi and driving to work there really shouldn't be that much traffic, I mean there's the typical holdups when lanes are merging, b/c let's be honest there are few people who know how to merge.  But driving into work this morning there was brake taping almost the entire way into Jackson from Madison and one would think that it was because of a wreck, but alas it wasn't! Not a wreck in site! Just people putting on their brakes for NO REASON! I mean come on people let's just all drive in the proper lane and go the proper speed and I promise there will be no need to brake tap. It is so infuriating to me to drive in the morning commute b/c half the people driving are not paying attention to what they are doing b/c they are either on the phone, putting make-up on (yes while driving on the INTERSTATE!) or reading the paper!! I mean SERIOUSLY! Put your phone down! who in the hell can you be talking to at 7:30 in the morning that it is so important it can't wait till you are out of traffic! UGH!! And if you can't get your make-up on at home or before you get on the interstate then wait to put it on when you get to work or wherever your destination may be!! There are some days (like today for instance) that I want to transport half the people in traffic and put them in Dallas or Atlanta at 8:00 in the morning and see how they fare.  UGH! OK enough for this morning, there may be more later as this frustration stews.

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