
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family History

   So the attorney I work for is going to speak at a local chapter of DAR, that's Daughter's of the American Revolution, and it got me to thinking. I know I have an ancestor, probably more, who fought in the American Revolution so why haven't I tried to find them and join this amazing group.  Well b/c I'm thinking this I figure I'll do some research and ask my dad to help me out. And I will heck my dad's the one that has done all kinds of research on his dad's side of the family and is now working on my grandmother's side. 
   Finding out where you come from is so interesting to me. I mean to personally know where you ancestors are from and what kind of blood flows through your veins is just amazing. I know some people don't really care or they don't have the resources to look for the ancestors which is really a shame b/c I think everyone should know where they stem from and where their families have been no matter who they are or what they do.  There are websites that one can research and find this information out on but in order to do so you have to pay money (which I understand helps maintain the site and pay the researchers and yada yada) but there should be some way to help those less fortunate find out about their personal history. Its just a thought b/c I personally can't afford to do the research on my family right now which is why I am relying on my dad.
   Anyway, I figure that joining DAR will give me contacts that I would never have otherwise and maybe open some doors for me teaching wise.  It'll be interesting to see. Gotta get on the horn to dad! :)

Hotty Toddy!
Court :)

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