
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


     Ok so I don't have kids. Well I don't have human kids but I consider my puppy and my best friend's puppy my kids. I mean they are my kids. I spoil them and take care of them they way I would a human kid so I consider them my kids. And just like any mom, I freaked out when my fur baby, Beau, was sick yesterday. I mean I seriously freaked out. He woke up and threw up which is concerning considering he's done this quite a few times recently and he's only 5 pounds.  I guess b/c he's done it so much recently I didn't think twice about it and went ahead and took him outside without checking his gums or his tummy. Well while he was outside he was trying to throw up and in the process just fell over like someone had tipped him over. I FREAKED out!!! I mean I panicked b/c I had no clue what could've caused this and my first thought was he was having a seizure and this caused my heart to stop. I got him inside along with Jamie and I fed Jamie but Beau wouldn't eat (now I know why) and this really freaked me out so I fed him the food myself. Then I gave him Nutracal (which is really just Karo syrup for dogs with low blood sugar), water and carrots.    
      Well b/c he was eating that stuff and didn't throw up again, I didn't think anything about constipation. I was worried sick. Stayed home from work to watch him and make sure that he didn't have a seizure, googled his symptoms to see if I could diagnose him b/c I really didn't have the money to take him to the vet.  Well just as I was relaxing, he threw up twice and this time it stank and I said screw it and took him to the vet. Well once we got to the vet they tried to take his temperature (rectal) and hit something solid.  They suspected he was constipated but with my dog you never know b/c if he can get to it he will try to eat it. But b/c they couldn't be sure they did xrays (hello expensive!) and found that he was indeed backed up. I mean severely backed up. Which I don't understand b/c he has been going to the bathroom. I guess it just built up and built up. Anyway, they gave him an enema ( I know right!) and we had to wait until he went.  They gave him some medicine for throwing up and sent us home.
      So I went through all that to tell you that I feel like such an idiot b/c I know how to deal with constipation in puppies, Jamie's been through it. It just never occurred to me that this was Beau's problem. And since he can't really tell me that his tummy hurts I just didn't pay attention to it and that makes me feel twice as bad. I love this puppy as if I gave birth to him. I mean we plan where to stay on vacations on whether or not the hotel is puppy friendly or not.  He is my kid and I feel like I have failed up by letting it get this bad. And if I'm this bad about a puppy being sick how in the heck am I going to be once I have kids!!! Holy Cow!


  1. I sometimes think it's harder with a pet b/c they can't say anything. I have totally stressed before over one of our cats that got sick we eventually had to put him down. In the process I learned that until I have more money I'm only going to put that effort into my child who has health insurance. It's just too expensive to take care of sick animals when you can only guess what might be wrong. Sorry for the scare it can not have been very enjoyable.

  2. Yeah it is pretty difficult with him. I talked to my dad and he said that is why he has pet insurance on his black lab b/c that guy is constantly sick. Hopefully Beau won't get sick anymore, but if he does I'll be better prepared for it.
