
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Kids On The Block!

Sunday on ABC, the AMA's were aired. Everyone knows this and some were looking forward to it. I of course love watching award shows just for the outfits and performances, I don't really care for the AMAs or when wins cause in my opinion they are rigged and who wins shouldn't really win. But anyway I was especially looking forward to this years b/c one of the performers was a group that I have loved it seems like my ENTIRE life!  That's right NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK otherwise known as NKOTB!! MAN every time I hear that name I freak out and squeal like I'm 10 all over again. I LOVED them when I was growing up.  My childhood best friend and I used to walk around singing their songs and imaging marrying one of them(you know usual things). So when I heard that they joined forces with the Backstreet Boys and touring I was ecstatic...like THRILLED!!!  So I was completely looking forward to the AMAs this past Sunday for their performance. Man I was excited (and still am even though it's in the past) and of course I had to wait through the entire AMAs....yawn....other than Bon Jovi I was completely bored until the end.

When NKOTBSB hit the stage I swear I almost squealed! Lol!  I was jamming like I was a teenager again and it brought back soooooo many memories and with those memories a sadness.  You see my childhood best friend (one who had been my best friend for 20 years until some bad blood caused us to go our separate ways) died last year. The day after Christmas, the day before her 29th birthday.  She was on her way to the hospital to see her daughter who was in the NICU.  Before she died we had started talking again and reconnecting, nothing was ever going to be like it was before the bad blood but maybe we could be friends again.  When I heard that our favorite band from our childhood was touring I knew she was smiling down and doing a little dance too. I would have loved to go to another concert with her and her to bring her oldest daughter but alas she is gone. I would love to take her daughter myself but my friend's ex-husband and new wife won't let me have any contact with her daughter and this breaks my heart.  B/C I have stories about her mom that no one knows and things I think her daughter should know. 

So while I'm happy that NKOTB is touring again, I'm a little sad that the ONE person in the whole world who understands the importance of this event is no longer a part of this world.  So when I go to the concert ( and I'm determined to go) I'll think of her and our childhood.

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