
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Dessert

Ok so every year at work for Thanksgiving we have a Pot Luck Lunch and everyone is asked to sign up to bring something and the boss buys the turkey and dressing.  In the past I have brought cream cheese pies which are AMAZING and take no time at all to make.  Well this year I decided to do something different and looked up recipes online and found one that I thought would be soooo yummy its called Mile High Peanut Butter-Brownie Pie! YUM!  I found it here....http://www.pillsburybaking.com/Recipes/Details.aspx?recipeID=5258&mealtype=32

Anyway, it took like no time to bake it and I am so excited to taste it. I have gotten great reviews on the look and have people's mouth's drooling so we will see. The lunch is today and will probably start around 11. Can't wait. 

Here are some pictures of my creation (I changed it up some, but not much)

Courtney :)

Ok so lunch is complete and my pie is GONE!!! I mean it was gone QUICK! I barely got a piece of it. I will tell you that it is absolutely delicious!! I have given the recipe to at least 4 people so far. YUM!! I strongly recommend this dessert!

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