
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while and there is a reason for it. Not a very good one, but a reason. The main reason is I've just been... I'll say it, lazy. I haven't really felt like getting on the computer at home. Once I get home, I am home and don't want to do anything. Not even cook. LOL!  There is also another reason. There is a really bad stomach virus going around. I mean REALLY bad and REALLY contagious. I thought I had done everything to guard myself against it and wasn't going to get it, even though my best friend/roommate and her entire family had it. I did really well until late Sunday night. I started feeling not so good but thought it would pass and I would be fine in the morning.

Not so! UGH. I woke up early Monday morning and felt so horrible. I've had stomach bugs before but nothing like this. It was bad!  Once I got over being sick Monday night I was sooooo weak. Like I had battled the flu or something.  I was still weak until yesterday. Today is actually the first day where I feel like myself again.  This virus really knocks you down and out. Be warned. If you get it stay AWAY from anyone and everyone. If you don't have it but know someone who does....invest in Lysol! I'm serious. You do not want this virus.

Anyway. So that's why I haven't blogged.

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