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Monday, November 15, 2010

What I'm Reading

    OK so I love to read and I mostly read romance novels cause let's face it, with me being single there really isn't a lot of romance going on in my life.  So recently I decided to take a step out of my comfort zone and read something that is not about romance (shock and awe!!).  I am currently reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  You see Kathryn is from Jackson, MS, I'm from Jackson, MS and they have recently begun filming the movie(which the producers are from Jackson, MS) and just filmed in Jackson, MS.  So I thought I would read the book that was making so much noise in my hometown.  The Help is based in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi and it's about 3 women in the South on the precipice of the Civil Rights Movement.  Two of the three women are maids and the other is a recent graduate from the University of Mississippi. 

    I have to admit that I haven't gotten very far in the book and not because it's not a good read but b/c I just haven't had time to read recently.  However, from what I have read I have thoroughly enjoyed. Ms. Stockett writes the novel from each characters point of view and found a way to write a true southern accent.  When you're reading it you can't help but read the accent and even feel some of that twang.  I have just gotten to the part told from Skeeter's point of view (Skeeter is the graduate of Ole Miss) and I have to tell you that some of the things I am reading are disturbing to read and I think they are made more disturbing because I know that those things actually happened.  Anyway, as I read it I'll keep you up to date on what is going on. 

    I don't have the book in front of me so I can't properly introduce the characters but I will tell you that Ms. Stockett does an amazing job with introducing these characters and weaving them together.  I found myself many times picturing the places she was describing and transporting back to that time.  So far it is a very good read. 

   Stay tuned.

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