
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Year End

So it’s been a while since I last blogged but I’ve had a lot going on and not really enough time to sit and write out what I’ve been doing or thinking.  So on New Year’s Eve I’ve decided to sit down and write it all out.  I had planned on attending the Make A Wish New Year’s Eve
Gala tonight but severe weather in Mississippi put those plans out of whack.  I couldn’t think of being anywhere but home when these storms moved through and now I’m glad I was home.  As I kept track of the weather I kept my brother and sister-in-law up to date on the location of tornadoes.  TORNADOES on New Year’s Eve, yeah odd but true.  Anyway everyone is safe so onto the holidays.

So for the first time in a REALLY long time I spent the night at my mother’s house on Christmas Eve and woke up on Christmas day there. And I have to tell you that it was a joy to experience that.  I have always loved spending Christmas Eve with my mom, step dad and my brothers.  Unfortunately this year Chris wasn’t able to be there b/c he has his own family now but it was still fun.  We spent the night watching old family videos and let me tell you that was FUNNY!!  It was also so much fun to see all that and to remember.  Waking up Christmas morning and not having to worry about driving somewhere at that moment was so relieving and relaxing that it made the morning that much more enjoyable.  My stepdad made breakfast and my mom and Brandon and I laid in the bed.  Once breakfast was done we moved along to opening gifts, which is also my favorite part (not b/c I like getting gifts, I do but that’s not it) I love seeing my families’ faces when they see what I have gotten them.  Needless to say everyone loved their gifts and were totally surprised by them. 

After presents were opened there I packed up my stuff and Beau and we headed back to Jackson to go to my dad’s house for Christmas.  Apparently Beau didn’t take to well to the trip to mom’s b/c when I dropped him off at my best friend’s mom’s house he started growling at everyone and slept the whole time. Weird.  Anyway when I got to my dad’s house I was actually early (shock and awwww) and actually sat and watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” with my sis, Hillary. Love that movie and loved spending time with her.  Then there was dinner and more presents and then time to leave. Man it was a long weekend but this last week was even longer.

I didn’t think it could be longer but it was longer.   My sister and I got tickets to go to a concert at the House of Blues in New Orleans on Tuesday and I had to be back at work on Thursday in order to get paid for the holiday.  So we drove down to New Orleans Tuesday to see this really awesome band, The 100 Monkeys!! I know sounds like a really odd name for a band but then there are tons of weird named bands out there.  Anywho, this band was amazing. They put on a really good show and a really entertaining show.  Their music is not mainstream and I love that.  I would call them a type of funky bluezy rock.  The guys are really animated when they perform and that makes the show that much more fun.  This was actually the first time my sister and I have been on a trip with just the two of us and I have to say that it was really fun.  On Wednesday we got up, checked out of the hotel and walked around the French Market.  Of course no trip to New Orleans is complete without a trip to Café du Monde.  All in all it was a very fun trip. Minus the extreme pain I felt in my feet.  Note to self do not wear boots with heels and then stand for SEVERAL hours or you will experience extreme pain! It was still a good trip and a good way to end the holiday season.

So yeah that’s how my holidays went.  Here’s to hoping that 2011 brings good things for us all.

Happy New Year!!!

Court J

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