
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Decorations

I live in a pretty nice neighborhood outside of Madison, MS (Gluckstadt) and some of my neighbors decorate their houses with lights and other decorations and others don't. When we first moved in I was sort of surprised that more people didn't participate in it but since I can't afford to buy enough decorations or lights to deck our my house I didn't put too  much thought into it.  Let me be real honest the only reason I don't put decorations up is because a) I don't have a ladder to get the lights on the house, b) if I did have one I would be to terrified to go up and do it and c) I'm not really coordinated enough to decorate.  (I'll also add that I'm lazy and on the weekends like to do nothing). Anyway, I always thought that once I got a house of my own I would put more effort into it, and I probably will, but right now I'm renting the house and I don't get home until it's dark and I'm rarely home on the weekends so I see no point in it. I guess what I don't understand is why people don't but I'm not judging them cause let's be honest I have no room to judge. I will however judge those who do put them up. The people who go through the hassle to put up decorations to entertain those who pass by have my utter appreciation!! I love looking at decorations and really find much joy in driving down the road and seeing the lights. So those who put them up to entertain us, Thank You!

I may not decorate the outside of my house but my roommate/best friend Misty and I do decorated the inside of the house the best we can. The fireplace and the Christmas tree get most of the attention but there are nick nacks around the living room as well.  Every year we take turns on who's color theme we will use and this year it's my color theme. I'm a real traditional person and love the traditional Christmas colors, red, green and gold. But we've already done that one year so this year I chose green and gold, and let me tell you it came out great!! Last year we had red, chocolate, and pink (Misty's choice) and in my opinion this one is better. I'll be honest though and say that I love Christmas trees so the decorations only add to it.  Here is a picture of the tree and the fireplace.  I'm working on getting a picture of the tree in the daytime so that you can see the green and gold balls as well as the bows. I'll add it once I do.

Merry Christmas!!!

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