
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't Walk

Working downtown any time you walk anywhere and have to cross the street you have to wait for the appropriate sign to dictate when you can or cannot walk.  Well I'm the type of person (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) who crosses when it says Don't Walk. I mean I make sure no cars are coming of course but I really don't feel the need to stand there and wait for the Walk sign to flash when nothing is coming. 

So I'm the type of person who walks when they say don't walk.  There could be a deeper meaning to all this. I mean if we always did the things we were told to do then many things that have happened or things that people have accomplished wouldn't have happened. I know for me personally if I followed what my mom and most people would have wanted me to do when I was eighteen then I would probably divorced right now.  Let me explain.

After I graduated high school I started dating this guy.  He was a really good guy and I thought I really loved him.  But I really wanted to go to college.  So I chose to stay home and go to community college (not just for him but also because I didn't think I was ready). Partially giving in.  After two years of community college I decided to head to university.  My family was happy for me and so was my guy but I could tell that they secretly wanted me to stay and get married and start my life.  Instead I went off to college and followed what I wanted to do with my life.  Well while I was away at college....my guy decided that while the cat was away the mouse would play and played with my best friend at the time and some others.  But this is not the reason I would be divorced today had I gotten married when I was younger.  Had I gotten married then he wouldn't have cheated (or so I like to tell myself).  I would be divorced because he just wasn't man enough for me.  He really was a great guy and very polite and attentive, but that was part of the problem.  He was so attentive and needing to please that it got on my nerves and he had no back bone.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love to argue about anything and this just didn't work with him because he didn't argue back. So I would never have been able to live with that for long.  If I wouldn't have gone to college and discovered my own backbone then yeah I would be divorced.

That's not the only thing that I've bucked against but it's really all I can think of right now.  So think about it.  How many times have you done something without questioning why you are doing it or what it is you are doing?  How many times have you stood there when the sign said Don't Walk and nothing was coming?  Or do you Walk when nothings coming and the sign says Don't Walk?

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