
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Time

Every year at Christmas my mom asks me what I want. And every year I tell her that anything she wants to get me is more than enough. I'm almost 30 years old so there really isn't anything that I need that I can't get for myself (or that she and my step dad can afford to get for me) so I tell her that whatever she gets for me will be fine.  She, being my mother, doesn't like this.  She always thinks I need stuff and that I need more than what she can give me. Which is a good thing I guess but it also makes her feel guilty b/c she can't give me what she thinks I need. Every year I tell her (and I truly mean it) that I am perfectly happy with the things she gets me and that I would still be happy if she couldn't get me anything.  This is how I truly feel. Every year I am just so thankful that I have my mother to celebrate the holidays with and that she is in good health. Every year I am happy that my family is together.  I appreciate it more now than I did before and I think that's due to in 2007 my brother was in Iraq at Christmas and so it was the only time that we weren't together for the holiday. (Other than a time that he went on a skiing trip when he was younger)

I remember going through that Christmas without him and knowing that he was in a war zone and praying that we never got the phone call that something had happened to him.  The holidays are always a difficult time for military families and I learned that first hand.  Even though I had uncles and a cousin who had served during Christmas previously it wasn't the same as my brother not being there Christmas Eve for the tradition of opening one present or Christmas morning to see my youngest brother get his first vehicle.   Chris was able to come home for Thanksgiving and we celebrated his Christmas with him then so we had our family picture but I'll tell you what. That next year was more special Christmas b/c he made it home safely and was there for those traditions.

So I tell my mom that I really am just happy to celebrate my holiday with the family b/c I am thankful that we are all together.  Though this will be the second year without my Mimi, I am still thankful that my Nanny is around and that I, my brothers, my sister, my mother, my father and my step father are all healthy enough that we can get together for Christmas.  This will also be the first year with my sister-in-law and my nephew (even though they were there last year, this time they HAVE to be! lol!).

While you're out shopping this holiday season and buying gifts for family and complaining about having to buy gifts. Remember that there are people out there who wish they had someone to buy a gift for and are missing their loved ones.  Also remember the real reason for the season and be thankful for your beautiful family b/c even though they may have faults, they are still your family.

Happy Holidays


  1. So true, Courtney. My brother has been in the Marines for 4 years and this will be the first Christmas he will not be coming home. He is overseas right now, and it's killing me.... God bless our military and the sacrifices they make.

  2. I couldn't agree more Mandy. I'll be praying for your brother and his unit until they get home. As well as all other soldiers and their families.
