
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ice Storm 2011

Living in the south you get used to the crazy weather and the ups and downs. I mean just on New Year's Eve in Mississippi we had a confirmed 12 tornadoes and now this weekend, the very next weekend, we have an ice storm, crazy right? Tell me about it. But you get used to it and you may not like it but you gotta deal with it. The only difference in dealing with an ice storm in the south is well...the people...and the ice of course.  You see because ice and snow are so rare in the south, we southerners (or deep southerners, i.e. Mississippians) have no idea how to deal with it or what to do when an ice storm comes along.  So the week leading up to this ice storm, people were rushing to the stores to get items they would need for the storm.

Well the ice started coming down today, or should I say the sleet/ice/snow mix. And it is a beauty.  There is ice every where, schools are shut down for tomorrow, there is a curfew in one city to protect people from driving and one part of the interstate is closed down because the roads are so bad.  You see this is completely different than a snow storm. I can deal with snow and I can drive on snow. But Ice? I HATE ice. Ice makes the roads miserable, makes the ground difficult to walk on AND causes the power to go out because of the ice on the power lines. So you see ice makes everything more miserable.

Anyway, I still have power, which is good as I couldn't get my gas fireplace to light, but I have been doing nothing all day except sitting on my pull out sofa bed watching t.v. with my best friend. The only reason the couch was pulled out was because we had a birthday party weekend for my bestie and needed the sleeping room. It was a pretty good celebration and having a lazy, cold, icy day to end it was just perfect.  I hope the roads aren't too bad tomorrow for me to drive to work but I'm at least going to try as that was my resolution.

We'll see.

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