
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Ten: One confession

Ok a confession. Well I have already confessed that when I was a teenager I had suicidal thoughts and how I moved passed that. So I guess the only other confession that I have to make is that I’m scared I’m a disappointment to my parents and they just don’t want to tell me.  I’m scared I haven’t achieved everything that they wanted me to achieve and that by not doing so they will stop loving me. It’s something I’m working on. You know realizing that I don’t need their approval to make me happy. And that my accomplishments aren’t the reason they love me. Hey I’m a work in progress and I’d like to think that I’m getting there.

Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now

ummmmmm…..well let’s see
1. I’d have to say just the usual smiley. I’m pretty content with most of the aspects of my life so I smile.
2. I’d have to say another smiley would be the confused smiley, b/c yes I am a little confused. But that’s nothing unusal! :)

Day Eight: Three turn ons

1. Beautiful eyes/smile
2. Ambition (amazing what you’ll find as a turn on as you get older)
3. Good listener.
*of course I like a man that looks good that’s the initial turn on, but these are ones that turn you on after you know a person.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Seven: Four turn offs

Hmmmm had to think on this one....
1. Sloppy kisser
2. Jerk
3. Disrepectful (to anyone)
4. No ambition.

Yeah they are coming in twos...only because I want to get it done...lol! So not the point but oh well! :)

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

1. Misty you are truly the best friend a person could ask for. You've stuck with me through my really bad outbursts and seen me through tough times. I couldn't ask for more than what you do for me. You make each birthday special and listen to me when I complain. Thank you for being there.
2.  Mom you were my best friend when I had none. You were there for me through everything I went through. You were at my games and at my competitions cheering me on and I appreciate that so much. I love you dearly.
3. Hillary you are the best kid sister a big sister could ask for. Who knew that you actually looked up to me. I am so proud of the things you have accomplished and for chasing your dreams. I know you will succeed. I am so happy that we have gotten closer recently. It puts a smile on my face. I love you kid!
4. Brandon what to tell you that I haven't already. You saved me when no one cared to. I am so proud of you that words cannot even express.  You are my baby brother and I cherish you and love you.
5. Royce you and I have been through some rough times.  But through it all I think our relationship grew stronger and I am so happy that you are in my life.  Not many girls can say that they have a great dad, but I get to say that I have two great dads because you are in my life.  You never treated me like a step child, always like your child and I love you more for it.
*yeah some people got left out but I had to choose 5, so I chose the 5 who I think don't know how much they mean to me.*

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done

1. I wish I hadn’t moved home from Texas so quickly.
2. I wish I hadn’t given up on my dream.
3. I wish I’d never tried to take that photo.  :p
4. I wish I hadn’t quit the band…see no. 2.
5. I never should have been with you that long!
6. I wish I’d never given up my desk. I have a HUGE crick in my neck….ugh.

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. Does he like me?
2. Will I ever marry?
3. When will I move forward?
4. I’m not going to end up divorced like my parents.
5. When am I going to sit down and write this book?
6. I need to lose weight.
7. Why am I so lazy?

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart

1. Be able to hold a conversation with me about important things and not so important things.
2. Don’t CHEAT. EVER!
3. Don’t lie. EVER!
4. Laugh with me, never at me.
5. Accept me for me.
6. Respect me.
7. Listen to me.
8. Love me.

Day Two: Nine things about yourself

1. I’m a pop culture junkie.
2. I love country music.
3. I wish I had the nerve to sing in public, I’m actually pretty good.
4. I want to teach….
5. I want to write a best selling novel.
6. I want to fall in love and I’m scared I never will.
7. I’m lazy.
8. I have an anger management problem.
9. I believe in true love.

Day 1-Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

1. I miss you. I understand why you had to leave but that doesn’t stop me from missing you every day. You are my hero.

2. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. You’ve stood by me and seen me through some tough times. You are my sister though not by blood and that makes it better b/c you choose to stay my best friend even when I put you through hell.

3. We had a rough childhood and you are one of the things that got me through it. I love you even when you drive me crazy.

4. I couldn’t ask for a better mom. You’ve helped me through so much and I love you more for it.

5. You are what every girl wants in a stepdad should she have one and what every girl deserves in a dad and man. I love you.

6. We’ve had tough times me and you and I’m sure there will be more b/c we are so alike.  But you’re my dad and those tough times made me stronger. I love you.

7. We drifted apart the older we got and that makes me sad.  I wish we could’ve come together again before you were taken home. But that’s me being selfish. I miss you and our childhood.

8. There’s not much I can say about you that I haven’t already. Watching you grow up and become the man you are becoming has been a joy to me. I can’t wait to see what your future holds. I am so proud of you.

9.  We didn’t spend that much time together when you were little and I regret that. I didn’t realize how much of an impact I had on you.  I am so proud of the young woman you have become and so very proud that you are chasing your dreams! You are an amazing person and I want you to never quit. I love you!

10.  I think we should do coffee and see where that takes us.

Sure I'll give it a try....

I saw this on my sister’s tumblr page and thought I would do it….
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ice Storm 2011

Living in the south you get used to the crazy weather and the ups and downs. I mean just on New Year's Eve in Mississippi we had a confirmed 12 tornadoes and now this weekend, the very next weekend, we have an ice storm, crazy right? Tell me about it. But you get used to it and you may not like it but you gotta deal with it. The only difference in dealing with an ice storm in the south is well...the people...and the ice of course.  You see because ice and snow are so rare in the south, we southerners (or deep southerners, i.e. Mississippians) have no idea how to deal with it or what to do when an ice storm comes along.  So the week leading up to this ice storm, people were rushing to the stores to get items they would need for the storm.

Well the ice started coming down today, or should I say the sleet/ice/snow mix. And it is a beauty.  There is ice every where, schools are shut down for tomorrow, there is a curfew in one city to protect people from driving and one part of the interstate is closed down because the roads are so bad.  You see this is completely different than a snow storm. I can deal with snow and I can drive on snow. But Ice? I HATE ice. Ice makes the roads miserable, makes the ground difficult to walk on AND causes the power to go out because of the ice on the power lines. So you see ice makes everything more miserable.

Anyway, I still have power, which is good as I couldn't get my gas fireplace to light, but I have been doing nothing all day except sitting on my pull out sofa bed watching t.v. with my best friend. The only reason the couch was pulled out was because we had a birthday party weekend for my bestie and needed the sleeping room. It was a pretty good celebration and having a lazy, cold, icy day to end it was just perfect.  I hope the roads aren't too bad tomorrow for me to drive to work but I'm at least going to try as that was my resolution.

We'll see.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year

Ok so I've yet to blog in 2011 and it's not because I haven't wanted to, I just haven't had anything relevant to write about. Nothing exciting has happened and I haven't had any recent outstanding moments of thought. In truth I've been kind of lazy with it and I think that's ok for the beginning of the year. I mean I am trying to stick to my resolution this year, which was to work harder and be more dedicated to my work.  By this I mean I must stay off of the internet more and do more work so I don't get behind like I was at the end of 2010.  My goal is to be more productive this year and not call in sick or anything.  I hope it goes well.  I'm also doing a weight loss thing, but that's not my resolution that's a life style change.  I actually love working out because it gives me this euphoric feeling and I've been missing that lately. We'll see how it goes, wish me luck.

Until next time.