
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter Weather

Oh boy!! Looks like there is gonna be some more winter weather here! LOL! I find it terribly funny that there is a chance, a 40% chance, of a wintry mix and schools are already announcing when they will be closing.  That's just crazy to me. I mean really?? Holy cow! I realize that this is the south and anytime that there is a mere MENTION of wintry weather, the grocery stories are cleared out and people go into panic mode. But I mean come on. There has to be a limit to the craziness.  We haven't had a serious ice storm in years and there is no proof that the weather headed our way will cause one either.  Now if we were in Tennessee or Arkansas there would be cause for concern. Or even if we were in North Mississippi, but hello we are in central Mississippi and there is only a little falling right now.  I know the bridges are gonna freeze cause they always do when the temps are what they are, but come on! Calm down and if you want to see some real winter weather, check out Chicago or any place in the mid west or north. Now that's winter weather and reason to cancel school.

I guess that's one thing I'll never get used to down here.  The way people freak out b/c of the weather. And I've lived here ALL MY LIFE. It's not just winter weather that freaks people out.  Try driving in the rain, holy cow. Speeds get reduced to 40 in 70 mph zones and people grip the wheel. I can understand  if it is pouring down, yes please drive slowly, but not when it's a drizzle! Any way, I guess that's just something that I'll have to keep dealing with!

Until next time! Be safe and stay warm!
Much Love,

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