
Hey! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you enjoy it and tell your friends about it. I decided I needed a place to vent and to put my thoughts. So I hope you enjoy and remember some things mentioned are mood oriented.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm not your parent

There so many thoughts running through my head right now I don't know where to begin. I know I haven't been the best sister with keeping in touch with my siblings but I do try and I guess the reason I don't try so hard with the youngest two is b/c when I do try to communicate with them, in a form they understand, text....they ignore it or don't respond. So I stop trying to talk to them.  I know they're young and active and have a lot going on, but COME ON! I'm your sister for pete sakes! Don't act like I haven't been there and done that too. Geesh! I'm not going to parent the things you do b/c hey you have parents. I'm your older sister and I'm just trying to look out for you but how do I know to look out for you, defend you, protect you, yell at you, laugh with you, or be proud of you if you WON'T TALK TO ME! UGH!  I can't do my job as a big sister if you won't let me and I'm the type of person that I'll only try so many times before I just give up and leave you on your own.  Then when you come crying to me about a problem that I could've helped you with, I'll tell you it's too late just to see what you do.  In general this would work, as its called tough love, and I may try that, I just don't know if it would work in this case. especially my sister b/c she is tooooooo much like me (in looks and attitude) and I know she would just be like well screw you too. and that's not what I want. I just want them to understand that by leaving me out and acting like I'm a parent and not their sister, they are hurting me. Yeah I'm 10-11 years older than they are but I do still remember what it was like when I was their age and I remember the total dumb ass mistakes i made and wish i could go back and redo them b/c while there are some dumb things i wouldn't do over, there are plenty i would.  I just want the opportunity to be their friend now that they are at the ages where i don't feel like i have to watch what i do or say around them.  it just hurts that I've lived my life a certain way for so long for them b/c i wanted to set a good example for them and it feels like they still see me as the responsible one who doesn't know how to have fun and who will tell dad (or mom) what they've done. i like to have fun, hell I've done things that they don't know about and can laugh about them now, but i know when enough is enough.
i don't know what I'm saying. too many random things jumbling together.

I love my brothers and sister, i do, but sometimes they drive me to drink.

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